SPP Event: Virgin Media Decision – Practical Implications for the Industry

Wednesday 26 March 2025


In this session, we will examine the practical implications of the Virgin Media Ltd vs NTL Pension Trustees Ltd decision.

This will explore the remaining uncertainties and analyse the actions that schemes may need to consider, depending on their individual circumstances.


Faye Jarvis

Partner, Macfarlanes

Faye advises companies and trustees on all aspects of UK pensions law, offering clear, pragmatic advice to navigate complex issues. She has extensive experience with funding arrangements, endgame strategies, liability management, scheme mergers, and pension liabilities in corporate reorganisations, acquisitions, and disposals. Faye also handles major pension projects, including GMP equalisation, benefit changes, and transfers to Master Trusts. She has advised insurers on pension products and investment managers and trustees on LDI investments.

Steve Hitchiner

Partner, Barnett Waddingham LLP

Steve is a partner and actuary at Barnett Waddingham with wide ranging pensions advisory expertise. He is prominent in the industry across a variety of topics and is the immediate-past President of the Society of Pension Professionals.

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